Friday, April 24, 2020

...and that's how you destroy a Nighthaunt.

For some reason, I really like the Nighthaunts manufactured by Games Workshop.  I subscribed to Rob Baer's/Spikey Bits Patreon for a while at the tier where you received some swag and when I did, I requested and graciously received my first Nighthaunt.  Cool!  BTW, Rob Baer is part of the Pantheon of Hobby gods we have here, but I digress.  I also liked the way that GW was painting these bad boys up with their Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom paints, so picked those up.

To get started, I spray primed TAP Matte White.  Put a coat of Nighthaunt Gloom down, quickly realized I wanted it thinner, so I essentially glazed it down.  Great!  Put a few more coats on there, dry brushed up with Reaper Master Series Rainy Gray, then put a Secret Weapon Miniatures Cool Gray wash on the recesses.  Feeling proud of myself and letting the wash dry, I moved to the green flames.  Thinned down the Hexwraith Flame, slapped it down a few times and said, "I like it!"  Here's the pics:

...and here is a pic of materials used so far:

L to R:  Vallejo thinner medium, Secret Weapon Cool Gray, Scale Color Rainy Gray, GW Nighthaunt Gloom and Hexwraith Flame.
...and then the roller foam we keep on the top shelf of this hobby space decided to roll down.

Well...I guess he is done.  I'm missing some sections of his arm and the staff.  As small as they are, I'm thinking maybe some brass rods to recreate them, but honestly, for my skill level it's too small to drill through the hand, or to glue to the staff, so I'm counting him done and destroyed.  The plan was to highlight up through gray and then white.  I'll put those next steps in when I crack open the Start Collecting Malignants Box.

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Follies with Spray Primers