Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wash, round one.

I used Ogryn Flesh from GW for the wash.  Devlan Mud was a bit too brown, and I wanted something that wouldn't tone down the brightness of the yellow.  I attempted to water it down a bit and instead of slopping that junk all over the place, I wanted to control it a bit more.  Limited time, toddler woke up, and I started slopping all over.  I'm "meh" on the results.  I want these Fists to be "HOLY CRAP I'M BLINDED" bright.  I think I have a yellow that matches the primer pretty decently...if not, then I'll bide my time and get the pot from TAP when they drop their line of paints out.  In the meantime, I'll see how this dries up, thicken up the recesses a bit, then go about bringing the yellow back to bright, highlight and go from there.

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Follies with Spray Primers